Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Cactus Blooming’, a project for deaf women in Hanoi

  • Perform: Administrator
  • 02/10/2018
  • Views: 2611

On August 27th and 28th, ACDC offered a seminar entitled ‘Health Care Access for Deaf People’ and provided free Sexual and Reproductive Health Care for deaf women in Hanoi.

This was a part of the ‘Cactus Blooming’ program funded by HIWC. The program aims to improve deaf women’s rights and increase their access to sexual and reproductive healthcare. It aims to do this by advocating on their behalf and through activities such as providing free counselling and healthcare, raising practitioners’ awareness of disabled women’s rights and making people more aware of the challenges faced by disabled women. The program will especially focus the difficulties faced by deaf women.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, the project director, said, “Since 2012, ACDC has provided many health care activities in Northern and Central Vietnam to improve disabled women’s access to health services. Through them, we realized that deaf people, especially deaf women, had more difficulties than the others because of communication barrier. That’s why this year we provided a set of activities oriented towards deaf women, to help them receive health care services.”

At the end of the program, deaf women will have gained knowledge of their health condition and have been counseled on sexual and reproductive health care skills. The program also offers the women the chance to have a physical examination to investigate for signs of disease and other problems in reproductive health. Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, a partner of ACDC, has promised to provide active support for deaf women in the future.

Another part of the ‘Cactus Blooming’ program, the training course “Sexual and Reproductive Health Care”, was provided for 30 members of Hanoi deaf women’s clubs by ACDC. Thanks to these activities ACDC believes that deaf women can improve their self-confidence and enjoy a more positive attitude in life.

Minh Tran (Translator: Minh Phong)


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