Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Vietnam Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022

  • Perform: Nguyet Ha (Translator: Linh Dieu Tran)
  • 16/03/2022
  • Views: 6872

April 18 every year is an opportunity for governments of all levels, social organizations, organizations of persons with disabilities, and sponsors to organize many activities aiming at encouraging the participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of social life with the hope of improving the quality of life and ensuring the inclusion and equality for persons with disabilities in Vietnam.

This year, Vietnam Day of Persons with Disabilities (April 18, 2022) takes place when the whole country is looking for solutions to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic and resume socio-economic activities. The Vietnam Federation on Disability (VFD) has chosen the theme of Vietnam Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022 as:

“Inclusion and Adaptation - Shaping a Future”

The world has been and is changing rapidly, asking us to adapt to the new situation, which might leave disadvantaged people, including those with disabilities, unable to keep up with these trends. Therefore, the community and society had better take actions to ensure the involvement of everyone, aiming to "leave no one behind" as we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The community needs to shape and build an inclusive future for all, including persons with disabilities. Through public outreach programs, capacity building programs, inclusive education programs, etc., we can further promote accessibility for persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities will in turn actively participate, seek solutions and develop plans to adapt to all changes.

In celebration of April 18, 2022, the VFD have guided its member organizations and organizations of persons with disabilities to carry out key activities such as:

  • Educating and providing the public with the meaning of Vietnam Day of Persons with Disabilities - April 18.
  • Organizing events, including commemorative meetings, seminars, conferences, etc. under the theme “Inclusion and Adaptation - Shaping a Future”.
  • Protecting people’s health and preventing the spread of Covid-19 in accordance with the 5K message during the event.
  • Organizations of persons with disabilities must report and propose activities to the Departments and Divisions of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and related entities for support.

Visit the links below for reference and download:

  • Theme of Vietnam Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022: Logo and Background
  • Full text of notice and instructions to organize Vietnam Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022: Documents


Theme of Vietnam Day of Persons with Disabilities over the years:

  • 2022: Inclusion and Adaptation - Shaping a Future
  • 2021: Safety - Equality
  • 2020: Overcome the Pandemic Together
  • 2019: Access for All


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