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International Day of People with Disabilities 2021: Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world

  • Perform: Compiled by Nguyet Ha
  • 24/11/2021
  • Views: 2299

Today, the world population is over 7 billion people and more than one billion people, or approximately 15 per cent of the world’s population, live with some form of disability; 80 per cent live in developing countries.

The annual observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons was proclaimed in 1992 by United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. It aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society and development, and to increase awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

The theme for IDPD this year is “Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world.”

United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy

When launching the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy in June 2019, the Secretary-General stated that the United Nations should lead by example and raise the Organization’s standards and performance on disability inclusion - across all pillars of work, from headquarters to the field. 

The United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy provides the foundation for sustainable and transformative progress on disability inclusion through all pillars of the work of the United Nations. Through the Strategy, the United Nations system reaffirms that the full and complete realization of the human rights of all persons with disabilities is an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

In recognition of this commitment, the Secretary-General submitted in October 2020, the first comprehensive report on steps taken by the United Nations system to mainstream disability inclusion and implement the Strategy since its launch.

IDPD on social media

Everyone can join on social media by using the hashtags #IDPD, #EveryoneIncluded, #CRPD and promoting this year’s theme on “Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world”.

Events to celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities 2021 of ACDC

  • Workshop Online “Enhancing the Participation of Persons with Disabilities towards Inclusion, Accessibility, and Sustainability in the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Time: 8 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. on December 3rd, 2021

Format: Online và livestream on Fanpage ACDC & UNDP Việt Nam

  • International Day of People with Disabilities Meetting with theme “Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world”

Time: The morning of December 2nd, 2021

Venue: Dong Ha City, Quang Tri Province

Themes for previous years:

  • 2020: Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World
  • 2019: Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda
  • 2018: Empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality
  • 2017: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for all
  • 2016: Achieving 17 Goals for the Future We Want
  • 2015: Inclusion matters: access and empowerment of people of all abilities
  • 2014: Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology
  • 2013: Break Barriers, Open Doors: for an inclusive society and development for all
  • 2012: Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all
  • 2011: Together for a better world for all: Including persons with disabilities in development
  • 2010: Keeping the promise: Mainstreaming disability in the Millennium Development Goals towards 2015 and beyond
  • 2009: Making the MDGs Inclusive: Empowerment of persons with disabilities and their communities around the world
  • 2008: Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Dignity and justice for all of us
  • 2007: Decent work for persons with disabilities
  • 2006: E-Accessibility
  • 2005: Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Action in Development
  • 2004: Nothing about Us without Us
  • 2003: A voice of our own
  • 2002: Independent Living and Sustainable Livelihoods
  • 2001: Full participation and equality: The call for new approaches to assess progress and evaluate outcome
  • 2000: Making information technologies work for all
  • 1999: Accessibility for all for the new Millennium
  • 1998: Arts, Culture and Independent Living


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