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International Week of Deaf People 2022 - Building Inclusive Communities for All

  • Perform: Hoang Nhat - Linh Chi
  • 19/09/2022
  • Views: 2031

The International Week of Deaf People (IWDP) and the International Day of Sign Languages ​​(IDSL) are two initiatives of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). These two events are held annually in September and are based on the founding date of the WFD (September 23, 1951) to provide an opportunity for the Deaf to celebrate their community, language, culture and history; make the public more aware of the local deaf community; and recognize the achievements of the Deaf Community. This is also a special occasion for organizations that are related or wish to engage with the Deaf Community to build and maintain relationships with the Deaf and be recognized as an ally of the Deaf Community.

In 2022, the International Week of Deaf People with the theme "Building Inclusive Communities for All" hopes to build cohesion among deaf communities of different cultures, languages ​​and symbols.

The week takes place from September 19-25, each day will have a different theme:

  • Monday 19 September 2022 – Sign Languages in Education
  • Tuesday 20 September 2022 – Sustainable economic opportunities for deaf people
  • Wednesday 21 September 2022 – Health for All
  • Thursday 22 September 2022 – Safeguarding deaf people in times of crisis
  • Friday 23 September 2022 – Sign Languages Unite Us!
  • Saturday 24 September 2022 – Intersectional Deaf Communities
  • Sunday 25 September 2022 – Deaf Leadership for Tomorrow


Monday 19 September 2022 – Sign Languages in Education

Acquisition of sign language from birth from fluent sign language models is critical to the cognitive and social development of deaf children. A strong language foundation is necessary to learn other languages. As many deaf children are born into families who are not yet fluent in their national sign languages, services must be in place to provide sign language learning and support to families so that they can learn and use their national sign languages.

Tuesday 20 September 2022 – Sustainable economic opportunities for deaf people

As of 2011, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) states that approximately 80% of persons with disabilities, including deaf people, are of working age. Reports we have from around the world show underemployment and unemployment is high within deaf communities. Accessing a fair and inclusive labour market with equal working conditions and salary as their peers without disabilities is a step toward deaf peoples’ inclusion in their communities and more equal societies.

Wednesday 21 September 2022 – Health for All

Full access to health-related information and services is a basic precondition for the enjoyment of our most fundamental rights. Yet, deaf people face barriers, stigmatisation and discrimination when accessing health and health-related information, services and strategies. Accessible information on health needs and health care in the national sign languages is still needed. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the dire predicament of deaf people in accessing life-saving health information and services. It brings the consequence that deaf people are often left behind in equally accessing quality healthcare in their national sign languages. National governments have a responsibility to provide accessible health-related information and services in the national sign language for everyone, including deaf people.

Thursday 22 September 2022 – Safeguarding deaf people in times of crisis

The past year has shown us new needs and new ways of guaranteeing the well-being of deaf people in situations of crisis. Under the circumstance of different crises, including infectious diseases, climate change, natural disasters, and armed conflicts, deaf people all over the world experience language deprivation, socioeconomic disadvantages, and audism. Today, we emphasise the importance of securing and maintaining the human rights of all deaf people during the different, multiple, and overlapping crises we face today.

Friday 23 September 2022 – Sign Languages Unite Us!

On this International Day of Sign Languages, we celebrate our collective efforts- deaf communities, governments, and civil society representatives- to recognize and promote the different national sign languages around the world. Together we sign onto a declaration of support for sign languages as an essential human right for deaf people, and sign for human rights!

Saturday 24 September 2022 – Intersectional Deaf Communities

Deaf communities are diverse, intersectional communities. Today, we celebrate our richly diverse deaf communities and the many ways of living and being in the world that our diverse deaf communities share. Among these identities are gender, age, sexuality, linguistic preferences, ethnicity, socio-economic background, disability, and religion. Governments and deaf communities must recognize and promote the intersectional nature of deaf communities within services, projects, and advocacy work. Deaf communities and deaf organisations must be inclusive of all deaf peoples in their countries. Together, we can build strong communities respectful and inclusive of all deaf people.

Sunday 25 September 2022 – Deaf Leadership for Tomorrow

For more than a century, deaf communities around the world have organised into representative associations to advance their human rights. These organisations need funding, capacity building, and empowerment to carry out the principle of “Nothing About Us Without Us”. Today, support your local, national and international organisations of deaf people!



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