Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Quang Tri: Training on gender-based violence for persons with disabilities in Huong Hoa and Dakrong

  • Perform: Thuy Hai
  • 17/02/2023
  • Views: 1508

“This training course is superb. I had no idea what gender was or what the distinction between gender and sex was. Now I understand these concepts and know how to protect myself from gender-based violence. I would like to say thank you to the facilitators and the project.” – That is a sharing from Ms. H.T.C, a woman with a disability in Dakrong district after the “Training on gender-based violence for persons with disabilities”.

Women with disabilities face "double prejudice" because of their sex and disabilities, making them easy targets for violence. With the aim of raising awareness on issues related to gender, gender equity, and the prevention of gender-based violence against persons with disabilities, ACDC cooperated with the provincial OPD in Quang Tri to organize training sessions on this content for more than 70 women with disabilities and their families in two mountainous districts, including Huong Hoa and Dakrong on February 16–17, 2023.

Facilitators of the two courses are also persons with disabilities from the provincial training of trainers (TOT) team. They assisted participants in distinguishing between sex and gender concepts, as well as introducing knowledge about the prevention of gender-based violence against persons with disabilities, fundamental skills for detecting and finding solutions to prevent gender-based violence against persons with disabilities by using a variety of methods such as games, presentations, group discussions, color cards, etc.

The trainees actively shared at the end of the training session:

Ms H.T.M – a woman with disabilities, said: “This is the first time I have been trained on this subject. Not only do I have a disability, but so does my 10-year-old niece, so today's information is useful to me. When I get home, I will teach her how to protect herself from gender-based violence.”

“The information presented today is beneficial and practical. I'll keep in mind what I learned today and impart it to other persons with disabilities who haven't received training. The teachers are friendly, approachable, and well-versed. I appreciate you very much” - Mr H.V.H - a family member of persons with disabilities shared

The activity is within the project “Raising Voices, Creating Opportunities” phase II, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by ACDC in Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, and Quang Nam provinces.


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