Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Quang Tri: Training on disability equity and skills on working with persons with disabilities for managers, taxi/bus drivers and bus assistants

  • Perform: Thuy Hai
  • 24/02/2023
  • Views: 1289

Transportation is a vital sector that contributes to increasing the opportunity for persons with disabilities to access other sectors, for instance, education, employment, healthcare, etc. In other words, removing barriers for persons with disabilities in the transportation sector will enhance their inclusion. Hence, apart from installing accessible bus stations, raising awareness for service providers in this sector is also critical. Training on disability equity and skills on working with persons with disabilities implemented by ACDC on February 24 also aimed at the above goals.

The activity was co-organized by ACDC in collaboration with the OPD of Quang Tri province. The training course is a part of Phase II of the project "Raising voices, creating opportunities" In 2022, the project completed two accessible bus stations, including ramps, signage, and priority seating for persons with disabilities at two bus stations in Gio Linh and Vinh Linh districts. This year, the project continues to deploy classes to raise awareness about disability inclusion and skills to work with persons with disabilities to help them access public transport in a comprehensive way. 

There were more than 40 participants from Mai Linh Co., Sun Taxi Co., Quang Tri Bus Co., Car Company No. 1, Dong Ha Automotive Transportation Corporation, Quang Tri Town, Cam Lo and Vinh Linh, etc. At the training course, trainees were instructed and shared primary contents related to persons with disabilities, such as the concepts of persons with disabilities under the Vietnamese Law on Persons with Disabilities and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, barriers, disability models, etc. The class also had the attendance and sharing of Mr. Doan Viet Bac - Head of Mobile Vehicle Loading Station, Provincial Department of Transport on policies to support persons with disabilities to participate in traffic in Quang Tri province. In particular, students also practice interactive skills and support persons with disabilities to use means of transport such as taxis or buses.

Feedback from participants at the end of the training course:

“Thanks to the detailed and specific guidance of the facilitators, I now know how to properly assist persons with visual disabilities and persons with disabilities in wheelchairs to get on and off the vehicle. In the future, if I meet a customer who is a person with a disability, I will definitely apply the knowledge I learned today.” - Mr P.T. T, Mai Linh’s taxi driver.

"Joining the training class today helped me understand more about persons with disabilities. I realized that by removing barriers, persons with disabilities will have better opportunities to participate in society. I also understand that different types of disabilities necessitate different supports. Thank you to the project for organizing this interesting and useful training session for us." - Mr N.L.H, driver of Sun Taxi said.

The activity is within the project “Raising Voices, Creating Opportunities” phase II, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by ACDC in Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, and Quang Nam provinces.


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