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Quang Tri: Home visits on independent living, policies related to persons with disabilities and physical access for persons with disabilities

  • Perform: Thuy Hai
  • 24/03/2023
  • Views: 1047

“We are usually busy at the workplace so we have few opportunities to visit every house of persons with disabilities for talking and counseling on their issues and demands. Participating in such activities not only helps us know more about the current living conditions of persons with disabilities, timely support them so that they can be beneficial from policies in accordance with the government regulations, but also improves our knowledge and skills for working with persons with disabilities.” said Ms. H.T.L, an official in charge of labour, invalids and social affairs in Gio Linh district after visiting local persons with disabilities.

The officials visited and counseled persons with disabilities on independent living, policies related to them and physical access

ACDC in cooperation with Quang Tri Organization of Persons with Disabilities visited houses of persons with disabilities and counseled them on independent living, policies related to persons with disabilities and physical access within 3 days from 22nd to 24th March, 2023. 15 medical workers, officials in charge of policy for persons with disabilities and officials from the local OPDs, who had been selected from two previous training courses on “Independent living and disability inclusion” and  “Physical access for persons with disabilities”, visited and gave counsel to 26 persons with disabilities and their families in Gio Linh district and Quang Tri town. The activities aim at assessing and counseling on physical access at home for persons with disabilities, interactive functionality in daily activities, social activities, and policies pertaining to persons with disabilities.

During the visit, these officials provided persons with disabilities and their families with specific instruction on practicing several rehabilitation movements; adjusted some household items for convenient and safe living environment; and counseled procedures for benefiting from suitable policies, for example, the allowance for the elderly with significant disabilities, social protection appropriate with the disability levels, etc.

Facilitators checked and gave instructions on rehabilitation exercises for persons with disabilities

Relatives of people with disabilities in Quang Tri town shared: “Today is the first time my younger sister has ever been visited by officials. Thank you for encouraging my sister to practice using electric tricycle, guiding her on social inclusion, and also helping us contact the Ward official in charge of policy for persons with disabilities to ask for approval progress regarding my mother’s disability social protection. I am very thankful for it.”

“Participating in this project helped me learn a lot of knowledge and skills related to persons with disabilities, which is very helpful for my work when I have to frequently meet them. I hope that this project will have such visits to more persons with disabilities.” said Ms. P.T.K.L, official from the Organization of Persons with Disabilities of Quang Tri town.

The activity is within the project “Raising Voices, Creating Opportunities” phase II, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by ACDC in Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, and Quang Nam provinces.


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