Ms. Vu Thi Kim Thuy has weak left leg due to polio fever when she was one year old. Not until 14 years old did she use an orthosis due to her family’s unawareness and hardship.
She is now 42 years old and she has had 4 devices, so the average lifespan of each device is 7 years. One can imagine how obsolete it may be. She was lucky to be fitted with a free KAFO supported by SFD in 2016 when she has no spare usable device at home.
In her daily life, Thuy is quite busy with the housework and her job as a freelance tailor. By word-of-mouth advertisement, she has regular customers to ensure a stable income enough for a small family. She is living with her sister and they look after two children whose parents have gone away. However, no matter how busy she is, she tries to spare some free time taking part in social activities such as singing, swimming contests and other activities for the people with disabilities with her peers at the Disability Research and Capacity Development Center. These are the sources of energy and optimism for her life. Thanks to the orthosis, she can walk safely and stand on music stage more confidently in front of audience.
Being asked what she would do if she was not supported a free device, she told that she would keep saving because the cost of device was still a big amount for her. Thuy now realizes how necessary an orthosis is, not only for her looking but also her health.
Source: ICRC - SFD
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