Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Final evaluation of project “My right to Education” in Quảng Uyên (Cao Băng) and Na Rì (Bắc Kan) provinces, In the period 2019-2022

Consultant’s Terms of Reference for


VN04-035 “My right to Education” in Quảng Uyên (Cao Băng) and Na Rì (Bắc Kan) provinces,

In the period 2019-2022

1. Organisational context

Introduction of ChildFund Việt Nam

ChildFund Vietnam is the representative office of ChildFund Australia – an independent international development organisation that works to reduce poverty for children in developing communities.

ChildFund Australia is a member of the ChildFund Alliance – a global network of 12 organisations which assists almost 23 million children and their families in 70 countries. ChildFund Australia is a registered charity, a member of the Australian Council for International Development, and fully accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade which manages the Australian Government’s overseas aid program.

ChildFund began working in Vietnam in 1995 and works in partnership to create community and systems change which enables vulnerable children and young people, in all their diversity, to assert and realise their rights.

Projects are implemented in the northern provinces of Bac Kan, Cao Bang and Hoa Binh, where most people are from ethnic minority groups; often the most vulnerable or marginalised sections of the population.

ChildFund Vietnam’s projects focus on child rights and child protection, education, health, and wellbeing for children. ChildFund Vietnam also prioritises building the resilience of young people, by giving them the opportunity to take part in sports, life skills learning, and supporting their participation in local decision-making processes.

Action to the community Development Institute (ACDC)

ACDC formally Action to the Community Development Center (ACDC) is a Vietnamese non-government organization, established in 2011, for and of persons with disabilities , to support the persons with disabilities  and vulnerable groups in the society. ACDC is a non-government and non-profit science and technology service organization, persistently seeking and implementing possible solutions to help improve the living environment, promoting and developing a protected and barrier-free society for the rights of Vietnamese persons with disabilities.

ACDC is also a for and by persons with disabilities  organization, promoting and supporting the activities of all implementing partners to support persons with disabilities  in improving quality of life, looking towards equal status, independence, social integration, and abilities of persons with disabilities  to contribute more effectively to the society, following the realization of "no one is left behind".

ChildFund Vietnam and ACDC have partnership in the project “My Right to Education” through a MOU. ACDC has engaged in the project design and played as an implementing partner leading technical interventions for the project. ACDC worked with ChildFund Vietnam and local partners during project implementation.

2. Background

The project “My right to Education” (VN04-035) funded by ChildFund Australia and Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) is implemented in the 6 communes of Quang Hoa[1] District (Cao Bang Province) and the 6 communes of Na Ri District (Bac Kan Province) from October 2019 to June 2022. The goal of project is “Children with disabilities live in inclusive environment and access to quality education”

Key interventions of the project includes:

  • Enhance awareness of parents/caregivers and community on the right to education of children with disabilities;
  • Improve capacity of teachers and school managers of inclusive education;
  • Apply the good model of inclusive education and improve school facilities;
  • Create opportunities for children with disabilities to increase/motivate CWD to enrol in school (equipment for impairment).


 Outcome 1: Awareness of inclusive education of children with disabilities for girls, boys, parents and community is increased

Performance Indicators

Means of Verification

100% of parents/caregivers and community have increased awareness of right to education of girls and boys with disabilities

Pre and post test; Pre and post- event survey (first event and last event); End project evaluation


 Outcome 2: Girls and boys with disabilities have their learning needs met and achieve expected learning outcomes through teachers tailoring classroom practices and accessible school facilities and equipment

Performance Indicators

Means of Verification

70 % teachers teaching CWD use a variety of pedagogical teaching techniques and approaches for CWD.

Pre and post test; Lesson plans of teachers after trainings; Class (having CWDs) observation

30 girls and boys with disabilities enrolled in primary schools each year (in 3 years of project period)

List of enrolled CWDs each year

80% of CWD achieve expected learning outcomes identified in individual education plan.

Learning outcome of CWDs; Change stories

6 schools improved on facilities accessible to CWD

List of schools improved on facilities accessible to CWDs; Hand-over minutes


 Outcome 3: Capacity of DOETs/DPOs (or Self-help groups) in promoting and supporting children with disability inclusive education is increased

Performance Indicators

Means of Verification

40 school managers/DOET staff demonstrate their ability to undertake their works related to IE

Pre and post test, activity/monitoring report

2 DPO/self-help groups established and operated effectively at each district

Activity/monitoring report /Change stories


3. Purpose

The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the extent to which the project goal and outcomes have been achieved, using both qualitative and quantitative findings to measure the changes and achievement of the project after 2.5 years of implementation. The results of this evaluation will be used as an input for the phase two of the project. In addition, it can be utilized by local governments (Cao Bang and Bac Kan provinces) in developing programs/projects to support people with disabilities in general and inclusive education for children with disabilities.

4. Scope of Evaluation

Evaluate project specific areas:

  • Assess the change in awareness and practice of parents/carer givers, school manager, teachers and the community staff on inclusive education of children with disabilities.
  • Assess the initial change in learning outcomes of children with disabilities after teachers and caregivers are supported with teaching methods and teaching aid materials/equipment.
  • Assess the participation, changes/improvements of capacity of disabled people's organizations (DPOs, Self-help groups) and education officials in supporting children with disabilities to be inclusive into education;

Provide findings on cross-cutting issues:

  • Gender inclusion - The extent to which barriers to participation were identified and addressed, such as promoting gender equality, empowering girls and women, gender roles and power relations.
  • Disability inclusion - The extent to which barriers were identified and addressed, such as access to services, participation in activities and decision-making.
  • Inclusion of vulnerable groups - The extent to which barriers were identified and addressed of identified vulnerable groups, such as access to services, participation in project design, project briefings, activities, decision-making and project feedback.

Examine the following area:

  • Partnership – The extent to technical expertise, knowledge and ideas, links and connections were utilised to the benefit of the project and the partner (i.e., organisational capacity development)? Examine the key value add of each partner (implementing partner, Organizations of People with Disabilities (OPDs), self-help groups).
  • Lessons learnt – Identify challenges and lessons learnt on project approach and implementation.
  • Sustainability - Identify promising interventions and strategies that are vital to sustaining the outcomes of the projects and provide rationale why these would work.
  • Recommendations – Assess the feasibility of the models for replication; Recommendations for strengthen the models in the next phase.

5. Methodology

This evaluation is expected to use both quantitative and qualitative methods. The consultant will be expected to prepare by reviewing key documents, as well as conduct field surveys and review meetings in Hanoi, Quang Hoa and Na Ri. Subsequently, the consultant will prepare a final report responding to the objectives of the terms of reference.

 This consultancy will include the following steps:

  • Review all available documentation and relevant primary and secondary resources information relating to the projects (provided by ChildFund Vietnam and ACDC) such as project proposal, quarterly, 6-monthly and year-end project reports, training reports, case studies, evaluation reports of similar projects and program description.
  • Design evaluation outline including an evaluation plan, methodology, tools and prepare a schedule for the evaluation by consulting with relevant managers/specialist and staff in Vietnam.
  • Design, lead data collection in project field and document Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and change stories with the different stakeholder groups.
  • All qualitative data collected through the assessment must be classified by location (commune), age and sex. There should be individual consideration for girls and boys, youth, people with disability, men and women.
  • Analyze available information and document along with findings and recommendations.
  • Present findings to partners at district level and ChildFund Vietnam team, ACDC for discussion and feedback.
  • The evaluation report should provide evidence including case stories, quotes, and high quality photos about the effectiveness, which contributed by the project.
  • A summary will be produced in English and final report in Vietnamese, which can be used as an endorsement of the work done by ChildFund Vietnam. High resolution of jpg photos and successful case story of project will be included and shared to ChildFund as part of the final report.

6. Deliverables and Indicative Timetable

Location: The consultant work will be carried out in Quang Hoa district- Cao Bang province and Na Ri district


It is expected that the work will be carried out in April and May. Below is an indicative timeline, the official number of days and schedule will be mutually agreed upon by CFV and the Consultant.


Indicative dates

Outputs and Activities

Week 4 - April  

Desk review

  • Project documents: project proposal, quarterly, 6-monthly and year-end project reports, training reports, case studies, evaluation reports of similar projects and program description, etc.

Development of inception report

  • Draft evaluation outline including methodology and tools (questionnaires, interview guides, survey methodology data analysis methods, etc.), and field trip plan and discuss with ChildFund and ACDC
  • Final evaluation report outline

Week 1 - May

  • Field work – data collection
  • Validating the findings with stakeholders

Week 2-3 May


  • Analyse data and information
  • Present key findings to ChildFund and ACDC’s staff
  • Write up the first draft of the final report (Vietnamese)

Week 4 May – Week 1 June 

  • Produce a report summary (in English) and final report (in Vietnamese), incorporating ChildFund’s and ACDC’s feedback
  • Submit the completed report (file word, soft version).



  • Inception report comprising summary from desk review, and an outline of evaluation methods, plan and draft tools. 
  • Final report in  both Vietnamese and English, copies of data sets and final tools used. It is necessary to write at least 04 case studies of changes, including children with disabilities, families of children with disabilities, teachers of children with disabilities and local authorities.

The final report should include:

  • Table of contents
  • Terminology/Abbreviation
  • Executive summary (1 page, including bullet points for key findings and recommendation)
  • Introduction
  • Methodologies and limitations
  • Findings
  • Discussion and Recommendations (maximum of 10 recommendations, citing evidences of practical applications/ examples from previous or other projects).
  • Appendices (eg. additional charts or data, final data collection tools, interview notes and consent forms, full copies of data sets and statistical analysis, and any other relevant attachments).

Note: The main report should not be longer than 25 pages, other narrative and evidence can be attached as annex to the report.

7. Management and Reporting Arrangement

The Consultant will report to the CFV’s provincial manager, Education Specialist and MEL manager and ACDC’s director. Final reports must be in Vietnamese and English and provided in an electronic format (Microsoft Word).

8. Confidentiality

All discussions and documents relating to this ToR will be treated as confidential by the parties.

9. Child Safeguarding

The Consultant will undertake the Services to a high standard; use its best endeavors to promote the best interests of ChildFund; protect the reputation of ChildFund and work in a manner consistent with the mission, vision and policies of ChildFund (see Child Safeguarding Policy/Child Safeguarding Code of Conduct PSEAH policy and Employee Code of Conduct). ChildFund Australia has a zero-tolerance policy to abuse, exploitation and harassment in all its forms.

10. Counter-Terrorism and Anti-Money Laundering

ChildFund Australia acknowledges its obligation under the Australian laws relating to counter-terrorism and anti-money laundering.  In order to meet its obligation, the consultant is obligated to provide information required for ChildFund to undertake counter terrorism screening before engagement.  The consultant’s name, date & place of birth and ID number will be checked against Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) consolidated list, National Security Australia list, World Banks listing and the Asian Development bank listing to ensure not engage with entities or individuals appearing on the lists.

11. Conflict of Interest

The Consultant must declare any financial, personal, family (or close intimate relationship) interest in matters of official business which may impact on the work of ChildFund

12. Fraud and Corruption prevention and awareness

ChildFund Australia has a zero approach to fraud and corruption act. The successful consultant will be required to comply with ChildFund Australia’s fraud and corruption prevention and awareness Policy and act against any form of fraud or corruption and not offer, promise, give or accept any bribes.

13. Insurance

The successful applicant will be required to have in place insurance arrangements appropriate to provision of the requirement in this TOR including (without limitation) travel insurance.

14. Acknowledgment and Disclaimer

ChildFund, its Board and staff make no express or implied representation or warranty as to the currency, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this ToR.  Nothing in this ToR should be construed to give rise to any contractual obligations or rights, expressed or implied, by the issue of this ToR or the submission of Expression of Interest in response to it.  No contract would be created until a formal written contract is executed between ChildFund and a selected consultant.


Selection Criteria for Consultant

To carry out the assignment, a study team with one team leader and one team member will be required.

Requirements for Team leader:

The Team Leader shall be responsible for handling and organizing all the important matters regarding the services on behalf of the Consultant and must have the following qualifications:

  • Post-graduate degree in Education work or relevant field
  • Having knowledge and experience in disability, disability inclusion
  • Knowledgeable in government support policies for children with disabilities and relevant government policies;
  • Demonstrated experiences in using participatory methods, stakeholder analysis, qualitative and quantitative research/study to evaluate education projects.
  • Experience in working as a team leader of development project research/evaluation
  • Working experience with children, persons with disability, local authorities and ethnic minorities in rural and mountainous areas.
  • Proven communication, negotiation, writing, and analysis skills

For team member:

  • Graduate degree in Education
  • Demonstrated experience in using participatory methods, stakeholder analysis, qualitative and quantitative research/study
  • Knowledgeable in child development,
  • Proven communication, negotiation, writing, and analysis skills

How to apply

Interested candidates are advised to provide:

  • A financial proposal with estimates of number of days and daily rate for the tasks specified in this TOR;
  • Two samples of previous evaluation reports that are relevant to this consultancy;
  • CV;
  • Contact details of at least two referees.

Interested applicants should submit their Proposal through this email: no later than 5.00pm on 24/04/2022. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.


ACDC is an equal opportunities employer. Our selection processes reflect our commitment to the protection of children,  persons with disabilities, woman,...  from abuse, and our people are as diverse as the challenge we face.  We welcome applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of age, disability, race, national origin, religion, or sexual orientation.

[1] Originally Quang Uyen but is now Quang Hoa after commune merging.