● USAID Helps Vietnam Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic by Strengthening Infection and Prevention Control (IPC) in Hospitals: USAID is providing $9.5 million to its implementing partners in Vietnam to respond to COVID-19, including $5 million in economic support funds and $4.5 million in health assistance. From June 15-21, with USAID support through its Improving Access, Curriculum and Teaching in Medical Education and Emerging Diseases (IMPACT-MED) Alliance, three IPC onsite trainings and technical assistance visits were conducted in Dak Nong, Quang Binh, and Binh Dinh provinces. Nearly 150 doctors, nurses, and laboratory technicians from 20 provincial and district level healthcare facilities participated in these trainings, and three hospitals received technical assistance on IPC and pandemic preparedness. So What? By supporting the health and capacity of hospital and clinic staff across the country to safely and effectively care for patients requiring hospitalization, USAID and its partners are helping to ensure an effective response to COVID-19 in Vietnam.
Download: USAID Vietnam Weekly Report, 02.07.2020