Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Stop the marginalization of people with disabilities

  • Perform: Administrator
  • 14/09/2018
  • Views: 2438

Inclusive education, economic empowerment and technological innovation are the focus of discussions between world leaders on July 24, 1818 at the Disability Summit globally held by the United Nations for the first time in London.

Speaking at the summit, Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed led the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the United Nations Convention, which was widely adopted globally, with commitments to push the rights of people with disabilities. "But often, this political commitment does not bring about a significant improvement in the lives of 1.5 billion disabled people worldwide." ... Women and girls with disabilities discrimination "due to gender and disability issues.

Mohammed noted that the Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres will publish the first report on disability and development later this year, with the aim of providing information on people with disabilities related to Development Goals. Sustainability (SDGs).

"The government is the leader, but the change requires the efforts of the whole society." Young people, people with disabilities, civil society organizations and private sector organizations are striving for change. "The Global Disability Summit is a timely opportunity to determine exactly how to change this situation when we implement the 2030 Agenda and create a comprehensive and inclusive value. As a human resource and cultural resource. " The Deputy Secretary-General emphasized "significant involvement with the results achieved on the basis of cooperation and the promotion of the participation of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals".

Children are a priority

Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF, describes a worrying picture about the challenges facing children with disabilities. According to her, prejudices, stigma or out-of-school education are obstacles that prevent half of all children with disabilities from attending school, while the remaining half are schooled but do not receive a quality education. quantity. "A great waste of potential for the development of children, with both our society and our economy!"

"As a global community, we will not be able to achieve Sustainable Development Goal # 4 - Education for All - if we continue to care less about children with disabilities. We not only have to help children but also improve the quality of education for children with disabilities. "

At the conference, she shared: In order to make up for some of these challenges, the Global Support Technology Partnership program will provide life-changing support (including wheelchairs, support fitting prosthetics and hearing aids) to 500 million people worldwide by 2030. "For children with disabilities, these technologies help children see themselves as young, capable of doing things. They want to do things like: move, play, watch, listen, interact, learn and communicate. "

Children with disabilities living in conflict areas or disasters face double disadvantages. Not only do they face the dangers of violence, poverty and security threats, they also face particular challenges, including "mobility difficulties due to infrastructure Destructive injuries and prejudices prevent children with disabilities from accessing emergency assistance when needed. "

"This summit is an opportunity to make our commitments to children with disabilities a reality throughout the world, no matter where they are."

Mark Lowcock, coordinator of the United Nations Emergency Response Program, commented: Around the world, at least 15% of the more than 130 million people needed humanitarian aid. disabilities. And "There is no simple solution to this problem but the focus, the basic requirement is to help people with disabilities and their organizations plan and implement coping strategies. humanitarian crisis, "which" will create a better, more effective and humane response. "

The summit is co-organized by the Government of Kenya, the United Kingdom and the International Union for Disability (IDA).


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