Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

A Proclamation on the Month of Action for Gender Equality and Gender-based Violence Prevention

  • Perform: GBVNet, Translator: Ánh Nguyễn
  • 25/11/2021
  • Views: 2238

Do you know?!!

  • In Vietnam
    • 2 out of 3 women have experienced domestic violence in their lifetime. 
    • 1 in 3 women has suffered from physical and sexual violence by their husband in the past 12 months.   
    • 1 in 2 women and young girls has been sexually harassed at least once in their life.  
    • Every 5 hours, a child becomes a victim of sexual abuse. 8 out of 10 victims are girls.
    • 4 out of 10 women with disabilities suffer from at least one type of sexual violence. 
    • One-third of young women and one-fifth of young men are victims of sexual violence by their partners & 50% of young people do not get to negotiate safe sex. Women with lower levels of education, women in some rural areas, women of ethnic minorities and people with gender and sexual diversity (LGBTQI+) face higher risk of violence.  
    • Over 90% of women who are victims of violence from their husbands do not seek help from local authorities or other official agencies. 
  • Gender inequality and prejudicial stereotypes about gender and sexuality are the root causes of this condition. The lack of helpful and accessible support services for gender-based violence victims that are respectful of their rights and put them at the center has hindered the protection of rights and exercise of justice for cases of violence, sexual harassment and abuse. 

On the Month of Action for Gender Equality and Gender-based Violence Prevention, we, the members of Gender-based Violence Prevention Network in Vietnam, declare to do the following:

  • Commit to actively participate in media and educational activities to raise social awareness on gender inequality and gender-based violence!  
  • Encourage and support all women and girls, especially those with disabilities; and those of minority groups; to speak up against gender-based violence and seek help whenever needed!  
  • Promote initiatives and increase the participation of men and boys, encourage positive masculinity to create changes in social conceptions of gender and gender equality!  
  • Contribute to providing inclusive, quality, friendly, accessible, interdisciplinary support services that center around gender-based violence victims and put their safety first, pay attention to the specific needs of minorities and vulnerable groups to make sure no one is left behind! 
  • Maintain consistency in conducting research activities, reviewing policies, supervising policy implementation and conversing with agencies to establish policies on gender equality, gender-based violence prevention and response; along with the participation of representatives from disadvantaged and vulnerable groups! 


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