Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Quang Tri: Training on prevention of gender-based violence against persons with disabilities

  • Perform: Hoang Nhat (Translator: Minh Chau)
  • 06/05/2022
  • Views: 1343

On May 5th -6th, 2022,ACDC coordinated with Quang Tri Organization of Persons with Disabilities, Agent Orange Victims, Protection of persons with disabilities and Children's Rightsto organize 02 training classes on Conduct training on GBV issues for persons with disabilities and their caregivers” in Quang Tri province. The activity attracted the participation of more than 60 persons with disabilities/caregivers, including 26 women with disabilities from Cam Lo, Trieu Phong, and Dong Ha districts.

The facilitators of this training course are persons with disabilities of the group of Trainers of training which was established by the project "Raising voices, creating opportunities for persons with disabilities – phase I". Thanks to the project's capacity-building activities, the group now has enough knowledge, skills, and experience to become facilitators of the training course. Through a variety of innovative teaching methods such as color cards, group discussions, presentations, role plays, painting, learning games, etc. trainees have a better understanding of concepts of gender and sex,  knowledge, and skills to prevent gender-based violence against persons with disabilities so that they learn how to protect themselves and support others.

At the end of the training course, Mr. N.H.T – a family member of a person with disabilities shared “I’d like to say “thank you” to the project and the facilitators for giving us the opportunity to participate in this training course. This is the first time I have heard and understood the two concepts of gender and sex. I’d like to say “ thank you” for sharing and enthusiastic analysis. When I return home, I will study more the document to understand more deeply and remember longer, thereby instructing other persons with disabilities to know how to protect themselves.”

Ms. N.T.T – A person with a mobility disability in Cam Lo district also shared: “I’d like to say “ thank you” to the Project, via the training session, I have learned this valuable knowledge, prevention skills, and severe violence against persons with disabilities in society. This is also an opportunity for us to meet, exchange and share with each other. I hope that training courses like this will be replicated more so that other persons with disabilities in the community can understand more about these contents.”

This activity is part of the project "Raising voices, creating opportunities for persons with disabilities – phase II" funded by USAID. Through training activities, the project is expected to promote the prevention of gender-based violence and raise the voice of women with disabilities in the local community.


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