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Sign Language Interpreting Service in hospitals

  • Perform: Tue Chi (Translator: Hoang Duc)
  • 29/06/2022
  • Views: 3425

From 01/04/2022 to 31/10/2022, Action to the Community Development Institute (ACDC) has been and will be implementing Sign Language Interpreting Service for persons with hearing disabilities when they take medical examination and treatment at medical facilities.

Sign Language Interpreting Service (SL) in hospitals were established with the goal of enhancing the access to information of persons with hearing disabilities when visiting medical facilities and promoting the quality assurance of health care services for persons with disabilities in medical facilities. The two forms of translation used are live and video calls via online platforms. Persons with disabilities who go to the clinic or medical facilities that need SL interpreters for patients can contact to make an appointment with interpreters in the Northern and Southern regions.

The process for using this service includes the following specific steps:

Step 1: Persons with hearing impairment/Medical facilities who need SL translation service can contact via the hotline number

The Northern region (can contact one of the following 2 units) - including the northern provinces to Da Nang:

1. Hanoi Association of Sign Language Interpreters (HASLI)

Hotline/Zalo: 098 2099 106

Facebook: hasli2015


2. Co., Ltd. to support and connect the Deaf and the community (SCDeaf)

Hotline/Zalo: 039 8549 185



The Southern region - from Quang Nam to the southern provinces:

3. Nang Moi- Learning Sign Language Company

Hotline/Zalo: 0377 553 787/ 0869 135 451

Facebook: companynangmoihotroSL / NangMoiSLI


Step 2: The translation team will arrange personnel to provide services

  • For the hospitals in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City:
    • Form of Service: (i) directly at the medical establishment; or (ii) online on the Zalo, Facebook platform
    • Service delivery time:
      • Online: a minimum of 60 minutes after contact
      • In person: a minimum of 120 minutes after the time of contact but depending on the ability to arrange the interpreter. You should contact at least 24 hours in advance to ensure the best service is provided
    • Note: depending on the contact time of the Persons with hearing disabilities/Medical facility, the interpreter will arrange the service as soon as possible.
  • For hospitals outside Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City:
    • Form of Service: online on Zalo platform, Facebook
    • Service delivery time: at least after 90 minutes from the time of contact

Step 3: Interpreter conducts translation for persons with hearing disabilities during medical examination and treatment at medical facilities

Step 4: Giving feedback

  • Persons with hearing disabilities can give feedback about the quality of translation via online survey (click on the attached link or scan the QR code)



  • The medical facility can give feedback about the quality of the interpreter through one of the following channels:
  • Online survey or QR code scans

Survey link:


Step 5: The program will send the information about persons with hearing disabilities who have visited the medical facilities to the Social Work department of health establishments.

The translation fee will be calculated based on the number of hours of medical examination and treatment of Persons with hearing disabilities at the medical facility according to the following fee schedule:



Original unit price/hour

Unit price

Supported by the project

Supported by the interpreters

Persons with hearing disabilities self-expenses

Online/offline translation



800,000/shift (equivalent to 80% of translation fee in 4 hours)

200,000 VND/shift

(equivalent to 20% of the translation fee in 4 hours)

In case the translation time is more than 5 hours, the patients will pay the translation fee for the time difference.


  • In some cases, the project can support a translation fee for  4-6 hours, however, the interpreter needs to notify the project team.
  • This fee schedule is applied in 2022 under the Sign Language Interpreting Service in hospitals. The program is expected to be implemented until October 2022 and until the fund for persons with hearing disabilities is over.

Price list of Sign Language Interpreting Service for persons with hearing disabilities in hospitals

The service is a part of the Interpreting Support Service for persons with hearing and speaking disabilities of the project "Enhancing access to information for persons with disability and disability association, organizations" funded by CBM. This solution is expected to solve the difficulties that persons with hearing and speaking disabilities encountered during medical examination and treatment at medical facilities across the country.


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Date 25.07.2022 Reply
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