Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Kon Tum: Home counseling for persons with disabilities

  • Perform: Hang Van (Translator: Anh Nguyen)
  • 17/10/2022
  • Views: 1286

In the framework of the project “Improving the quality of the life of persons with disabilities in provinces sprayed with agent orange in Vietnam" – Objective 2 (Project “Inclusion 2”), on October 14 and October 15, 2022, the Action to the Community Development Institute (ACDC) has collaborated with the Department of Labors – War Invalids and Social Affairs of Kon Tum province to organize counseling sessions at home for persons with disabilities in 2 wards, Duy Tan and Thong Nhat, of Kom Tum city, Kon Tum province. The activity aimed to enhance the ability to live independently as well as assist persons with disabilities in reducing the difficulties and dependencies which were caused by their disability status. 

The consulting team working even in the evening (Thong Nhat ward) 

The consulting team consisted of officers of Labors – War Invalids and Social Affairs from each ward along with participants of the Training course for trainers on independent living counseling for persons with disabilities. Participated households were visited by the consulting team in their homes and given suitable guidance/consultation on independent living for persons with disabilities and their family members based on their situations in reality. With their devoted enthusiasm as well as knowledge gained from the training course and willingness to share and connect, the consulting team successfully completed their task. 

The consulting team visiting households in Duy Tan ward 

30 households of persons with disabilities had their living conditions observed and reviewed by the consulting team. From there, suitable advice was given on how to adjust the arrangement of items around the house, and how to renovate some designs to improve the ability to live independently. Through the course of the visits, all families expressed how joyous they were to be able to share and to be cared for and given enthusiastic consultation from the consulting team. Everyone has learnt a lot about how to upgrade their houses, from the overviews to the more simple, economical yet effective specific repairs. In particular, persons with disabilities have also received some suggestions to help adjust their life outlook to be more inclusive and confident. 

When seeing the consulting team out through the narrow door of his house that could only fit one person at a time, A Ban, a person with disabilities in Thong Nhat ward, couldn't conceal his happiness from having people visit and care for every small issue in his daily life and listen to his needs for supporting tools to live more independently: “Thank you everyone for coming to visit and encourage me, to discuss with me about the places where i sleep, eat and bathe.” 

Listening and sharing in Thong Nhat ward 

With a shy and warm smile, Ms. Y Loan, also a person with disabilities living in Thong Nhat ward, shared that: “I am happy to have someone come visit and listen to my sharing.”. 

The restricted health conditions of persons with disabilities have partially hindered their ability to renovate, adjust, arrange their accommodation… but through counseling sessions, the counseling team and the families have discussed and resolved some issues to assist persons with disabilities to live more independently and confidently. It is expected that in the upcoming time, the project will have more practical activities to help improve and upgrade quality of life for persons with disabilities in the areas. 


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