Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Da Nang: "Our Voices" Camp

  • Perform: Viet Phan (Translator: Hoang Duc)
  • 14/04/2023
  • Views: 1220

Continuing the series of activities in response to Vietnamese Disability Day on 18/04, ACDC had collaborated with the Da Nang Center for Support and Development of Inclusive Education to organize the "Our Voices" camp on 13-14/04/2023.

The activities aim to promote the active participation of children with disabilities in building media events for children, raising awareness and knowledge of child protection for children with disabilities, teachers, parents/caregivers, and enhancing solidarity and bonding between families, schools, and communities in caring for and protecting children with disabilities.

Representatives from leaders, organizations, teachers, students, and parents participated in the event.

Attending the event were Ms. Dam Viet Ha - Deputy Director of ACDC Institute; Ms. Mac Thi Thanh Tuyen - Project Manager from the Vietnam Children's Relief organization; Mr. Tran Dinh Hai - Vice Chairman of the Da Nang Persons with Disabilities's Association; Ms. Do Thi Do Quyen - Director of the Da Nang Center for Support and Development of Inclusive Education; Ms. Ho Thi Cam Binh - Head of Primary Education Department, Da Nang Department of Education and Training; Mr. Nguyen Duy Quy - Principal of Tương Lai Specialized School, and more than 350 people.

 Ms. Dam Viet Ha, Deputy Director of ACDC Institute speaking at the opening ceremony

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Ms. Dam Viet Ha, Deputy Director of ACDC Institute, said: "With the contest and camp today, the organizers hope to listen to more of the children's opinions on the physical and mental violence issues they may face, the good images and stories about families, schools, safe online environments, and non-violence towards children. From there, we and the relevant parties will have practical and appropriate solutions for children, especially children with disabilities, to live in a safe and equal environment."

Fashion show to spread the message about Children's Rights

The camp included various fun and beneficial activities such as arts performances, presentations on children's rights, sports competitions, cooking, etc. The competition was lively and attractive, with the overall results belonging to the "Beloved Colors" group winning the Special Prize. This is not only a healthy and safe playground for children but also an opportunity for children with disabilities to participate in recreational activities with their peers and learn new skills. The organizers of the camp made sure to create an inclusive environment, providing accommodations and support for children with disabilities to fully engage in the activities.

A hat dance performance "My hometown" by children with disabilities

Teacher My Dung, a fifth-grade teacher, expressed: "The most impressive point of the event is to promote children's rights. The children have many opportunities to express themselves through activities. For example, in the design of the camping tents, each of them contributed their efforts such as drawing and making decorations. In the propaganda section, they were also able to express their opinions, or in the sports and cooking competitions, they were very enthusiastic. They also ate the dishes chosen by themselves. This activity is also a first step for parents to approach the rights of children with disabilities and change their perception of the abilities of children with disabilities." 

A group of children with disabilities watched a musical performance of "Mom, Do You Know?"

N, an 18-year-old boy with visual impairment, shared: "We hope that with the knowledge we have learned, we can propagate dangerous behaviors and children's rights to enable them to protect themselves. I thank the center's teachers, ACDC, and SC for organizing today's camping trip for us. The camping trip was very meaningful."

Representatives of the Love and Creativity team shared in the Gate introduction section: "Each child is a unique color, a unique puzzle piece, and has its own strengths. Although we have disabilities, we still create multi-colored picture and contribute to building a beautiful life. Through the camping trip, we also learned about children's rights and spoke up for our own rights through the products created by the hands of students with disabilities and teachers. Our team hopes that children's rights will always be effectively enforced."

Together, the participants danced and sang "This earth belongs to all of us"

Parents of children with disabilities from the Loving and Creative team also said: "Parents will always accompany the school in educational and extracurricular activities. Like today's camping trip, many parents participated in building tents, decorating tents, and preparing food with teachers. We will always love and protect our children with the school and related parties."

A sports game activity aimed to help children with disabilities enhance their motor skills and teamwork

T, a visually impaired child from Loving-Creative team also added: "In this camp, I and my friends have participated in many cultural activities, presentations, and worked with teachers, parents to decorate the camp. We are very happy to participate in these activities. In the event, the children have experienced exciting and beneficial activities such as cultural performances, fashion shows, puzzle games with prizes,..."


The judges listening to the presentation and evaluating the diverse dishes of each team

This activity is part of the project "Prevention of Physical and Mental Violence and Discrimination against Children with Disabilities" (abbreviated as the AVAC project) sponsored by the Hong Kong Save the Children organization and coordinated by the Save the Children organization in Vietnam.


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