Sharing vision - Bringing Empowerment

Quang Tri: Screening examination, Rehabilitation and Care assessment for persons with disabilities

  • Perform: Lam Giang
  • 19/05/2023
  • Views: 1222

From 19th April 2023 to 19th May 2023, ACDC cooperated with the Department of Health in Quang Tri province, the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Medicine and Rehabilitation, and the Medical Centers of Trieu Phong, Cam Lo and Vinh Linh districts has carried out screening examination activities for persons with disabilities in 28 communes and towns.

The activity takes place at the commune/town health station was taken by medical staff with expertise in Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Rehabilitation Nursing, which created the multi-disciplinary rehabilitation of the provincial and district levels. As a result, 730 persons with disabilities were examined, of which: Trieu Phong district has 245 persons, Vinh Linh has 271 persons and Cam Lo has 217 persons. Most of them are examined and evaluated at the health station. Morever, for those who are single, especially extremely significant disabilities and unable to move to the health station, the screening examination team sends medical staffs to their home to take screening examination and assessment.

Based on the results of the screening examination and assessment, the multi-disciplinary team will co-operate with the ACDC to select the appropriate intervention subjects for each person's disability. It is expected that: 110 persons with disabilities will receive rehabilitation interventions, 54 persons with disabilities will receive accessible devices, 450 persons with disabilities will receive home-based care and 67 persons with disabilities will receive independent living counselling and social inclusion.

The activity has been highly appreciated by local authorities, health workers, persons with disabilities and their families for its humanitarian significance and responsibility of the local departments towards persons with disabilities.

Some sharing of persons with disabilities and their families when they are invited to participate in the Screening examination:

“My father has been a person with disabilities for many years, but this is the first time he has been invited to a medical examination. My family is very excited when the project organizes this activity, creating conditions for my father to be assessment for the next care plan. Even though I am busy with work, I still try to arrange to take my father to the Screening examination. I am very grateful to the project for creating conditions to support my father and other persons with disabilities in my locality.” Ms. N.H.T, the daughter of a person with disabilities in Cua Tung Town said.

“I am very grateful to the project, the doctors and nurses at the Medical Center came to examine me at home. I am very happy to receive the attention of the project staffs and local health workers. After this examination, I hope to be consulted by local health officials to guide me on good habits and methods to take better care of my health.” Mr. H.H, a person with disability in Trieu Phong district share.

Dr. Huong Giang, who is working at Trieu Long Commune Health Station, Trieu Phong District, said: “I have had the opportunity to participate in project activities in 2022. Since then, I have noticed positive results, benefits of home-based care for persons with disabilities that the project brings. Thereby, it has contributed to improving the quality of life for persosn with disabilities in my locality. In this year 2023, my commune is fortunate to be selected by the project to continue carrying out rehabilitation and care for people with disabilities. With this first activity, 27 people with disabilities were screened and evaluated. I will make effords and improve my expertise to support more persons with disabilities in the community.”

Screening examination, rehabilitation and care assessment for persons with disabilities are carried out within the framework of the Inclusion I project, a component implemented by ACDC. The project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the management of the Project Owner of the National Action Center for Toxic Chemicals and Environmental Treatment (NACCET) - under the Ministry of Defence.


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