Continuing the activities of supporting and promoting local associations, groups, and clubs of persons with disabilities under the "Inc..." project, on September 28th, 2023, a networking session among Women with Disabilities Clubs took place in Vinh Linh district, Quang Tri province. The activity is carried out within the framework of the “Inc...” project - Component implemented by ACDC in the period 2023-2024.
The purpose of the exchange is to improve the capacity and initiative of organizations, groups, and clubs of persons with disabilities, as well as to share experiences and connect with the participation of women with disabilities.
The exchange had the presence of more than 60 women with disabilities who are members of the Women with Disabilities Clubs from the provincial club, and Trieu Phong and Vinh Linh district clubs. The event also had the attendance of delegates from the Women's Union, Trieu Phong and Vinh Linh districts OPDs, and ACDC staffs.
At the exchange, participants heard sharing and presentations on the topic "Confident in decision-making so persons with disabilities can live more independently". In addition, through group discussions, general exchanges and drawings, the ACDC’s Project Coordinator guided the clubs to review their establishment and development process to orient their club development plans in the near future.
Ms. Bich Van – a member of the Women of Disabilities Club in Trieu Phong District shared, "Hopefully in the coming time, our club will attract more participants and become more and more united to share and support each other for mutual development."
Ms. Ho Thi Hue – The Provincial Women with Disabilities Club said: "The activities of the clubs in recent times have created opportunities for us to exchange, learn and develop together and have affirmed the position of women with disabilities."
To continue to improve the capacity and development of Women with Disabilities Clubs, the Project will keep supporting monthly meetings as well as other similar networking activities in the future. The Project expects that these clubs would result in many positive changes to satisfy the needs of women with disabilities.
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