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Multidisciplinary approach: The key to successful rehabilitation

  • Perform: Administrator
  • 24/09/2018
  • Views: 1080

Among successful strategies to improve the outcome of rehabilitation activities, including the provision of mobility aids, multidisciplinary approach is a key concept.

Multidisciplinary can be defined as the participation of several persons having different qualifications (discipline) to reflect about one particular case.Indeed, although prescribing a wheelchair may look pretty simple, prescribing the right one implies that the issue is looked at from different perspectives.

We firstly and most importantly need to hear from the user and possibly the caretaker about what activities the device will be used for, such as playing sport, traveling by bus or using on rough terrain. Then ideally we need to get the view of a doctor who will be able to highlight some aspects linked to the particular medical/physical condition of the user; risk of pressure sores, scoliosis, lack of balance, etc. Then come the trained provider who will be able to propose different models and options according to the needs and condition previously underlined and eventually make tailor adjustments to fit the particular needs of the user. The physiotherapist and occupational therapist will also play an important role in the process because they will be able to train the user, and if need be the caretaker, to get the most of the device and in the same time guaranty a safe use. Another key member of the team, too often forgotten, is the social worker who could help to find funding mechanism in case the needing person does not have the financial capacity to pay. The social worker will also take the opportunity to review the socio-economic status of the person and possibly link to other actors to support employment, education or access to micro finance.

Although it would be wrong to say that in Vietnam, multidisciplinary approach is not applied, there is still a lot of improvement to be made so that persons with disabilities receive the best possible answer to their needs of rehabilitation in general and for the provision of mobility aids in particular, be it a wheelchair, a prosthesis or an orthosis.





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