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International Week of Deaf People 2023 - A World Where Deaf People Everywhere Can Sign Anywhere

  • Perform: admin
  • 20/09/2023
  • Views: 2265

The International Week of Deaf People (IWDP) and International Day of Sign Languages (ISDL) are two incentives of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). These two events are organized in September annually, based on the establishment of WFD (September 23th, 1951) with the goal of creeating more opportunities for the debt to celebrate their community, language, culture and history; providing more knowledge of local deaf community to the society; and recognize the achievements of the deaf community. This is also a special event for correlated organizations to build up and sustain the relationship with deaf individuals; as well as get recognized as a part of the deaf community.

In response to the International Sign Language day – the September 23th annually, following the resolution A/RES/72/161 of the United Nations and the International Week of Deaf People from September 18th to 24th of 2023, the theme is “A World Where Deaf People Everywhere Can Sign Anywhere” to improve the deep concentration and further enhance the awareness of society, government and nations on the Rights and Legitimate Interests of the Deaf, while recognize the legitimate in sign languages of the deaf in different cultures and nations.

Monday 18 September:  Declaration on the Rights of Deaf Children

Tuesday 19 September: Building Capacity Across the Globe

Wednesday 20 September: Realising "Nothing Without Us

Thursday 21 September: Putting Deaf People on the Agenda

Friday 22 September: Achieving Sign Language Rights for All

Saturday 23 September: International Day of Sign Languages: A World Where Deaf People Everywhere Can Sign Anywhere

Sunday 24 September: Building Inclusive Deaf Communities


Monday 18 September:  Declaration on the Rights of Deaf Children

At the WFD's XXI General Assembly in South Korea, our members approved the Declaration on the Rights of Deaf Children. Today we call upon global communities to showcase how they are working to achieve these rights.  You can share videos on social media, and host seminars and events highlighting these rights, and what remains to achieve these rights for every deaf child.  The WFD invites everyone to declare their support for this Declaration and signing their names to this Declaration.

Tuesday 19 September: Building Capacity Across the Globe

Around the world, millions of deaf people still lack access to basic human rights.  The WFD has inaugurated a 60 Country Project with the aim of building capacities in deaf communities across the globe, particularly in the 60+ UN Member States which do not have national associations of deaf people.  Join us in supporting deaf communities in these countries by hosting awareness-raising events on deaf lives around the world in your local communities, by supporting deaf communities in the global south, and by donating to the WFD’s work at here.

Wednesday 20 September: Realising "Nothing Without Us

Deaf communities are experts on deaf lives.  CRPD Article 4.3 makes it clear that governments have an obligation to consult with organisations of deaf people on all matters related to deaf people.  The WFD believes that this principle is also applicable to other projects and activities. Representative deaf organisations must be involved from the beginning in all projects and initiatives  to do with deaf people and sign languages. On this day, highlight your collaboration with deaf communities!

Link to Position Paper on the primacy of deaf people in the development and teaching of national sign languages:

Thursday 21 September: Putting Deaf People on the Agenda

Deaf communities worldwide work to ensure policies and programs reflect the lived realities of deaf people's lives. Today we call upon national governments, international institutions, research centres, and policymaking bodies to centre deaf people in their work. There is still a significant lack of data on deaf people’s lives and less on the right to use national sign languages. Today we highlight the research done on deaf lives to date and call for more disaggregated data collection and monitoring of deaf people and sign languages.

Friday 22 September: Achieving Sign Language Rights for All

The legal recognition of national sign languages is an important step towards achieving basic human rights for all deaf people.  60% of State Parties to the CRPD still have not achieved legal recognition of their national sign languages.  Legal recognition is a process that allows for greater awareness of deaf people's linguistic and cultural rights and paves the way for social change.  Today, we encourage the sharing of stories of what the legal recognition of sign languages has meant for you and your communities.

Saturday 23 September: International Day of Sign Languages: A World Where Deaf People Everywhere Can Sign Anywhere

Today, we share the WFD’s vision of a world where deaf people everywhere can sign anywhere. A world where deaf people are seen as a part of the natural range of human diversity, and national sign languages are celebrated and used everywhere as part of national societies. The WFD calls upon all governments to take measures to ensure at least 50% of their children and youth know their national sign languages, as a step towards building societies in which deaf people everywhere can sign anywhere.

Sunday 24 September: Building Inclusive Deaf Communities

We end this International Week of Deaf People by highlighting the many ways in which our communities represent the broad array of diverse human experiences to be found across the globe. Deaf people are everywhere, and represented in every national, cultural, linguistic and ethnic group. This is a strength of our communities. Today, the WFD calls upon our deaf communities to recognize and take specific actions to ensure our communities are inclusive of all deaf people.



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